Our Kind of Relationship

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by CallMeNoona, Mar 23, 2012.

  1. Bump! Please update soon!
  2. more then a week n no update UPDATE PLS
  3. 
  4. I will update by next week

    I'm sorry people... really busy with my exams and my brother and boyfriend's graduation Busy month sorry!
  5. :0 Busy wifey!
    How's Tristan?
  6. Yeah I know about your bf 
  7. DASHIE! *Squish*
  8. Ahhh! That's Detective Dashie to you!
  9. Good luck with everything! Sorry if my constant comments r bothering u...
  10. No it's fine.. I'll hopefully update tonight
  11. ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ Update
  12. Katie  ill give chu a free clopjob if you update
  13. I woke up in an all too familiar room. I was at Adam's home... my home. My eyes felt swollen and my head was spinning.

    "Ah... I see you are up."

    Startled I looked towards the door. Adam stood with a bowl of water and a cloth. He came beside me and placed the wet cloth on my forehead. It was nice and cool and I felt better. I stared up at the ceiling. I felt awful. I felt like my whole body was aching and my emotions seemed troubled.

    "Arianna... Just rest for now. I've contacted the school. I took leave for both myself and you for a week. It's alright. I'm here," he said and he placed his hand over mine.

    Tears rolled down my cheeks though I didn't even notice until he wiped them away with his hand.

    "It's alright," he said and he kissed my cheek. "It's alright..."

    I wanted to scream. Cry. But nothing came out... I just didn't feel right. My insides hurt. "Will... will this pain go away...?" I asked and I then felt tears form again.

    "It will go away. I promise. It takes time to heal. I'll always be here for you Arianna. You can count on me."

    I turned and looked into his eyes. I wanted so badly to say it... but the time wasn't right. How could I say 'I love you?' How could I say it?

    "Adam I..."

    "Shhh," he said and he patted my hand. "You need your rest."

    "But I..."

    "Tell me later okay?" he asked and he stood up. Before he left he lightly brushed his lips over mine. It wasn't in a romantic manner...

    "Okay..." I said quietly and I touched the towel on my forehead. The towel was wet... So why was my face burning like crazy?


    Sorry short update
  14. Why so short >.< wait not in a romantic manner...I'm confuzzled!
  15. Same here Dash
  16. He didn't kiss her romantically