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Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Queens, Aug 27, 2019.

  1. p

    peachicks I keep selling turn into a beautiful asian avatar...from champagne box drops itself! even pink clouds turn into a brown girl😬
  2. Yes, you can check the Stories Tiers and Rewards Thread to see the avas. The same way that you have a regular box avi vs a VIP box avi, these are "CLUB". Here is an explanation from hailey on where you can find all the avatars:
    Voseph and Muschi like this.
  3. 90 stacks gives animation avis
    ATA be random again
  4. I have it on now... This is vip animation
  5. *wondering if tomorrow will be the day when ATA releases hunt cash and ECs stat items in store*
  6. Are we getting a 4th story to choose? Curious since all the avis are released already at 90 stacks... Will there be anpther choice... Or can i just work on collecting for alts. Lol
  7. The announcement says there are new gifts bit there aren't in the gifting area...

    And it's half way through hunt.. why didn't the colours change yet??
  8. Can anyone help clarify why I got the musical theater avis for finishing the fashion club?
  9. this wasnt a gaurentee, just speculation based on previous hunts
    Voseph likes this.
  10. You only get club avatars for the *first* club that you chose, after that... everyone gets the same avatars
    Voseph likes this.
  11. Can anyone tell me how you get the link version of the Muse of Theater avatar? I see people with it and I have no idea. I greatly appreciate the help to anyone who answers this :)
  12. Pink* not link
  13. You need 45 pamphlets cuz it’s the vip version and it’s only accessible to people who picked the music club as their first choice. 🀠
  14. Are the stats the same as the music VIP avatar ?
  15. I am sad 😿 what happened to this one these were the original colors from this post m...I was looking forward to getting this one...I hope animation is like musical and gives us 3 colors...because I was only excited for this version 🀧[​IMG]
  16. Actually it’s accessible for everybody, not just people who chose music first.πŸŽƒ
  17. Yeah, where is this version at?
  18. I think this is the VIP version you get at 90 stacks (I haven't actually seen those avis yet though)
  19. Its not.. I have the vip version
  20. I just saw the 90 stacks and they are the non VIP, so assume the VIP will be coming out later