Oreo's Guide to PIMD - the Whole Enchilada!

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by I-Love-Oreo-Pie, Feb 26, 2012.

  1. Awesome list, dude. This covers a lot of bases. Gives me a better understanding of the PIMD experience. I applaud your work on this project.
  2. very useful to new players
  3. I've only read this after 3 days of playing. Great guide.  My questions were answered. Thanks! 
  4. If you filled all dorms with 225K Level 4 crew, what KCS would you be?
  5. thank you For this post about PIMD. Now the people who think they can do whatever will understand the real purpose of this game. Looks like you really have took out a big period of time to do this forum post so thank you very much
  6. Hey on the mods section u missed out Riccena and j31 and I think a few others
  7. @Ameelia, Mods for the US Campus are:

    • Riccena
    • j31
    • my-dorm-name
    • Ski
  8. I want an enchilada 
  9. Can u guys help me on creating good forums
  11. Thank you so much
    its very helpful (y)
  12. Very important until parties came out
  13. ♡this is by far the ☞BEST☜ thread I've ever read/seen. I love it✔ great job oreo!
  14. Wow that a lot to type :O the guide was excellent