I like your approach and views. Religion, in fact, can be quite the opposite to mentioned for us, LGBT people. Makes you feel like being yourself is a sin and feel a lot of fear and guilt. Anything, but consolation or love. Therefore I became agnostic. I can't go fully atheist, though. The influence of religion is strong.
Well, not EVERY Christian or any religious people has phobia towards other religions people, but SOME certainly do, and a strong one. Same applies to religion and homophobia. Some friends of multicultural, multiregious countries had told me about issues of this sort between different religion fanatics.
A phobia isn’t strictly a fear. A phobia is much more complex than being scared of something. hence why what the dude in OP story said is homophobic
The definition of phobia is more complex than a fear. Why some homosexual people say that someone who disagree with homosexuality is a homophopic? I don't understand...
Disagreeing with homosexuality as in “it doesn’t align with my faith/etc., but I accept how you are” is very different from “it doesn’t align with my faith/etc., and you’re damned because of that, I don’t support or accept you” One is homophobic, one isn’t though it’s still ridiculous imo
Well yes obviously they're different. One says "I'll accept you" and the other "I dont accept you" lol. Just because you dont support it doesnt make you a homophobe.
???? I’m not talking about actively supporting something. Actual acceptance and active support are different things, my dude.
You don't have to accept it or support it, but you should respect everyone regardless. When I see my gay relatives, I treat them the same as my other relatives. I don't support it or accept it. It's not my life. I respect them and their decision regardless. Phobia- "an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something." Aversion- "a strong dislike or disinclination" Disinclunination- "a reluctance or lack of enthusiasm." I think many of you think homophobia is the lack of enthusiasm many people have towards LGBTQ, when that's like saying... "they're homophobic because they aren't smiling about us being gay." Homophobia is "dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people." Key words there are "dislike of" not dislike. You can dislike it, but the dislike of them as a whole is homophobic. I hope you understand that. Homophobic- "having or showing a dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people." Again, "dislike of" not "dislike." It all comes down to sensitivity in this case. Again, we should all respect each other regardless of our preferences,beliefs, race, choices, height, age, religion, etc.
^ respect comes with general acceptance due to the fact that actual respect comes with a form of /positive/ regard. And there’s.. not a difference in “dislike” and “dislike of”... Me saying “I have a dislike of the color gold” is the same as “I dislike the color gold”. That “of” simply connects dislike to what you’re speaking about. As I said, you don’t have to actively support homosexuality. You don’t have to smile at someone because they’re gay. However, if you’re ignoring and/or scowl at someone purely because they’re gay.. that is homophobic. Idc if you ignore someone because maybe they do tend to be more ostentatious and they choose to connect that to their sexuality, that’s fine! That’s a personality thing. However, when it becomes a sexuality thing, that’s when it becomes that phobia. If you don’t want to be homophobic, you simply need to see the person for themselves and accept that their sexuality is a natural, unchanging thing. It is not something like a failure, nor something that is a personality trait you can decide you dislike. The guy in OP story does not see that, so while he doesn’t seem like a bad dude, it is homophobic for him to connect homosexuality with failure and damnation.
My question is how can he use religious belief in his god as a reason for his fear if he is saying "what if go is real?" I mean, can you really say something is wrong based on your god if you question that god's existence? Kinda pokes holes in his whole excuse.
I don’t believe that should be classified as “homophobic.” Due to his religious beliefs I understand where he is coming from when he says he would be worried about them. However, the difference between him and your typical “I hate gays because the bible condemns it” religious folks is that he is willing to ACCEPT his children. Imagine being raised in a super religious environment. Everything you have ever been taught tells you that you should hate your child for not being straight, but you choose to love them instead. Love trumps hate is the way I see it. Little progress is way better than none at all.
You don't have to accept homosexual people not to be homophobic... this isn't kindergarten where we all have to like each other. That's one of the problems. People want to call each other words to harm their reputation just because they aren't accepted or liked. It's childish. I could understand if he was hateful or fearful towards homosexuality, but that's not the case. Example, I'm don't like white women. It's never stopped me from doing anything sexual or normal with them though. It doesn't mean I'm racist or have some sort of phobia. It's all about how sensitive the person is.
My far far leftie overlords taught me that anything can be homophobic in 2019 if you want it to be, baby.