Operation Expose The Pedo.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Player11171305, Aug 28, 2013.

  1.  Catfish PIMD edition 
  2. Some crazy stuff
  3. that is just crazy, nasty, creepy. Funny though. he blocked u after he saw the ss xD lmao
  4. :O That is some freaky business you have going there. You did us good exposing his reality XD
  5. Wow good job! :D
  6. Bump.. Thats the scary truth 
  7. Hi I'm Chris Hansen.
  8. I'm glad my state has an open carry law. Pedo meet gun, gun meet pedo 
  9. 4 years old here ._.
  10.  Well, maybe it's good that I have pretty much no friends. I dunno
  11.  You have Elei. One of the best friends you can have. 

    But back on topic, well done for exposing him 
  12.  Well, Elei kinda counts for all my friends. She's pretty much the only one I talk to.

    Yes, congratulations  it takes smart people to uncover the dumb ones  I believe I wouldn't be able to do something like that
  13. Crazy story lol that guy sounds like a big pedo aha " I wanna be your first " lmao
  14. Good warning
  15. SMH!!!! WTF are lil kids playing a m17 game for in the first place? Parents do your job!!!! Having said that, pedophiles beware! You are watched you fucking pervs!!! Just be glad I don't have your info!?