Open RP Session

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Muschi, Dec 28, 2018.

  1. *sobs heavily* i dont have cooties UnU. *aims my gun at you*
  2. *comes back as a ghost and huggleglomps you* hai bwadwey
  3. Expensive how? How many peps did you employ to make it?
  4. Very expensive
  6. *rwubs my puwssy on yowur expewnsive coawt*
  7. OwO stahp you two im only 22 yrs old!!! thats So GROSS!!! *screams and shoots you both in the legs*
  8. Uh.... I think...I'ma go now....
  9. *performs a tourniquet and amputates my leg*
  10. Uhm i’m new here *puts hair at the back of the ear shyly*
  12. *the bullets don't hurt me* Great now ive got holes in my pants thanks
  13. Pulls her in to my arms ,with an eye contact I say " ur not going anywhere "
  14. Please don't do that *I separate yall* Its sending an unpleasant message
  15. Why would you do this *I roll my eyes* Now I have to get it patched and dry cleaned
  16. *cócks my gun and aims it at you* hewwo im samantha
  17. *is amused*
  18. Says “forschefield” and *hides in personal space*