If you (ciara) are member of a conservative religion as i think you are because your avatar showed and your stats doesnt have interest in this game why dont you go on church and preach and leave this game! You are not informing us you are minding some peoples life. Or maybe in real you are nothing to show on pics even a little single beauty. Its like you wanted us to praise you bcoz of your threads wich is you only pick on internet news. Poor ciara go get a life and upgrades! LOL = laging on line
I love this thank you! This is needed as ata allow 13+ tennagers play. Just putting out there these are a good rule to have if you're just a kid. And please be aware that this game was for adult and that tennagers playing this game should take cauitious that there is not so great people out there(pedos)
I don't think people should particularly lie about name, age, etc. because those things are common from person to person I've met like 4 matts all around 20-22 (plus no one likes a catfish) I believe it'd be better to say something along the lines of "well I don't wanna tell you all that". But good post! People need to see this.