Isn't kind of presumptuous and sexist to suggest "all men love [flirting]?" Flirting isn't a masculine or gender specific activity, many girls I know are much larger flirts then some guys I know, including me. And also, why do you only warn guys about talking to underaged girls, are we not allowed to worry about underaged boys too???♂️ I don't know, it all seems so one-sided. Thanks.
I've noticed a few minors on here, they have been reported but their accounts still remain active. Even though RP is part of this game, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that most people or said,"minors" do lie about being over 18 years of age to others of their interest. With some this ends up with people sharing contact info or social media to prove their ages to one another, most dont even bother to know which leads to adults Role playing with minors. (Not that they really know or care to find out.) How will ATA solve this? Because face it, all I had to do to play this was create an account with no proof of age or email. ( typically because it doesn't require you verify an email nor your age, all that's needed is a email and Password, again with no verification of this email or of the age of whom is attempting to play.)
Knowing this and know what to do and what not to do people will still be people and do it anyways. Yet, thanks for posting this this is really helpful in keeping the minor community as well as the older predatorial community in line.
Rule number 3! You don't have to give out all ur real details seriously are you crazy !!? You don't know these people atleast fake or lie about something. Fake ur name, surname, age, country, culture, religion whatever they don't need to know everything about you! There not someone you know in real life. if you can't even trust random people on the streets in real life then why would you trust a random person on a game!