Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Seriously, Mar 25, 2019.

  1. Y’all I forgot about this thread. I was about to post like Yeah! and realized I made it. 🥴
    Hurricaine and Azari like this.
  2. Seriously? 🌚
    Kefo and Azari like this.
  3. I-
  4. Lesgoooo
  5. 🌚
    Kefo likes this.
  6. Unfortunately no : /
  7. Single letter love pls
    Seriously likes this.
  8. Let’s unite
  9. Yes, you!
  10. A single letter isn't a work unless it's a or i.
  11. 🌚
  12. Do we have meetings?
  13. Should we?
  14. How else do we plot ign domination
    Seriously likes this.
  15. Very true
  16. If you would like to further conquer PIMD, add me and wall me (so I don’t think it’s club things)