O_O. WHY I OUGHT TO- sorry, its just that my godmother's husband's brother's wife has two abused kids. -shakes head- im sorry for u and im sad.
Some of you might be Confused. Her name is Jessica Hope. Her mother, when shes upset, calls her Hope.
I arrived home later that day, and tiptoed upstairs. My family was already asleep, so I quietly entered my room, slipped out of my clothes, and climbed into bed. 'Mom...Lesbian...Dad...Fighting... Useless...' Those words flashed through my head like a movie. My eyes grew heavy, and I slowly, unwillingly fell asleep. I woke up up, and rolled out of bed. I slipped into a shirt ad grabbed a pair of jeans. As I walked down the stairs I put on my pants. I looked around. My brother was sitting at th table playing in his cheerios. My mom sat on the floor texting. Dad rested on the couch, reading his newspaper. I cleared my throat, and everyone looked up. "Tyler, go up to your room sweetie," my mom muttered. "Otay Mommy," Tyler grinned. He ran up the stairs, two steps at a time. "Jessica. Your coming with me to New York. Were going to live with Marie until your dad and I sort this out. We will leave in a month. Your brother and dad will stay here," she said. My mouth gaped open. I shut it quickly, and the anger took over. "No!! You bìtch! You've ruined this family! How could you!! And you! You filthy, drunken bàstard!!" I screamed at them. I burst into tears, and ran up to my room leaving them stunned. Remembering that my brother was in our room, I dulled over to the hallway bathroom and locked the door. There were people here, but this man and woman, were not my parents. I didn't know who they were anymore. I was living...with strangers.
I want more! Im feeding off anger because my "aunt" has an extra child! That whore!! >:|. Good story. But how can ur mom order u to do that?!?! NO. REBELLION!
Oh that. This is all happening so... There will be a point in the story where I have to make up becaus eit hasn't happened yet
Advice: if ur mother really loved the family, she wouldnt fall in love with a lesbo seducer. Tell her that and say that you have a life and you wanna live it with a real family. Tell her if she can't be a real mother, she isn't truly one. And your dad, tell him he has o stop drinking. It might be his fault yr mom became lesbo since he doesnt give attention and drinks instead. Tell him if he keeps doing this, he'll lose his own children. And Tyler, if they don't listen, run away. Call your frieds and tell them about this and ask if you can stay with them. This... Was my plan until my parents died. Without a brother of course. And the situation was similar but different. All my advice. you can accept or decline. . I hope u have a good future woth a loving family. Unlike mine. OH! AND U CAN SUE YOUR PARENTS. Seriously. I thoughy avout it. No joke.
I know it's serious. I'm effin livin it! The best way forento handle stress is to either get mad or laugh it off and ATM I'm choosing the latter.