Once Hazel

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Jeine, Jul 4, 2014.

  1. Hmm. Wall me when updated again please .-.

  2. But yeah....







  3. Amber waited outside the car. She stared at the night sky, counting as many stars as she could. Finally, Cristelle returned, but with a very serious face. The two of them entered the car.

    "So, what were the two of you talking about?" Amber asked. Cristelle started the engine and drived without saying a word.

    Amber stayed quiet too. She looked outside her window, admiring the lights passing by. They arrived at home and went to there rooms quietly.

    ∽♡∽ MORNING ∽♡∽

    The alarm rang at 5:30 am and startled Amber. She went to her bathroom, took a bath and wore her clothes. She went downstairs and saw Cristelle, already cooking for breakfast. Amber sat on the dining table as quiet as she can.

    "Okay, it's finished! Amber, breakfast's ready!!" Cristelle turned and was startled when she found Amber already sitting on the table.

    "Gosh, you startled me. Wow, you're all ready to go. And I'm still on my pjs."

    "Don't worry, I can't go without you.... especially when you have the car keys. Besides, I don't know the way to school."

    "Right. So let's eat breakfast first! I don't know if you'd like it.."

    They ate kimchi and eggs for breakfast. They left early and went to school. Amber entered the room with Cristelle silently. Cristelle told her where to sit and sat there on her chair at the back slowly.

    "And who is this newbie?" a blonde girl with british accent stared at Amber and snickered.

    "Oh, she must be Cristelle's friend." said a girl beside blonde with a little dark complexion and brown hair.

    "Cristelle!! Come here!" said another girl beside blonde with a fiery red hair with very fair complexion.

    "What?" Cristelle came, glaring at the three.

    "Oh, stop glaring, hun. I don't like it when you do that. Now, who is this tyro?" Blonde asked.

    "She is a new student, Lorraine. Done." Cristelle went back to her seat.

    "Oh, that helped!" Lorraine glared at Cristelle. Lorraine and the two went back to their seats too.

    She wanted to throw her pen to Lorraine. But as if in command, her pen flew and hit Lorraine's head. She didn't know how that happened. Lorraine turned, approached Amber, looked at her with one eyebrow raised.

    "Did you just throw me your pen?!"

    "Nope. This is my pen." Amber raised another pen that looked exactly like the other.

    Lorraine glared and went back to her seat.

    As the class started, their teacher requested Amber to indroduce herself to the class.

    It was lunch break. Amber went to the cafeteria with Cristelle. They sat on a table next to a window.

    "So, who's that Lorraine girl?" Amber asked.

    "Her name is Lorraine Shekainah Vanderbilt. She's the famous daughter of the president of this school. She's the rich fashionista. She has these two more bestfriends, Therese and Karla."

    "Oh. So, I suppose you hate her. Well, I gotta say, me too!"

    "Ugh, she has this angelic face(not literal) she wears everytime she's talking too some cute guy. And she's so..."

    "Hello, my darlings." Lorraine came without Amber and Cristelle noticing.

    "Speaking of the devil.." Cristelle muttered.

    "Oh Cristelle. Stop being so rude in front of me, hun. I do not like it. To become close to you, Amber, I shall sit in this table with the two of you, since Karla and Therese are practicing."

    "Oh, I'll leave you two alone. I can't stand being with you." Cristelle glared at Lorraine and left.

    "Hello, Amber. I assume you already know my name. So I shan't introduce myself anymore to you. But, I can see this outfit of yours is as fresh and as sharp as you look. So, my, ugh, work is to grade the outfit of the new students in their first day of school. Well done, you have by far the highest grade I can give! You are outstanding! Well, since you are beyond the required grade, you are requested to join our crew. Thank you and nice meeting to you!!" Then Lorraine left Amber alone in the table.

    The bell rang and everybody went back to their respected rooms.


    Hey! Sorry, that I only update every once in a while... It's because I'm very busy at most times that I can't update.. Again, I'm sorry and thank you for reading this fanfic. This fanfic was born because of my fav kpop boy group, EXO.... Yeah, I'll try to update as often as I can. ㅇ.ㅇ
  4. Ooohh, good! Wall me when updated again? .3.
  5. Wall me when updated please.
  6. ?Bump, I just really like this story.
  7. Thank you~~~ 
  9. Bump burumbump bump bump bump burump bump bump~~~ 
  10. Bump.. I love it! Update please .-.
  11. Aphro.. What's the defintion of beauty? 난 정말 머고앂퍼요 .-.
  12. After classes, Amber and Cristelle hung out at the cafeteria for a while. Amber didn't tell what she and Lorraine talked about. Amber just stared at the window silently, as if there's an interesting show outside.

    "Hi, Amber! Hi, Stelle! 'Sup?" Jannah, with Vern and Mhae, came over their table and sat.

    "Hey," Amber said shyly.

    "Amber, I heard you got a nice grade from Lorraine. Good job!" Vern said.

    "Yeah, you look so—" A very loud shout disrupted Jannah.

    "Don't ever touch her again, you jerk!" a guy shouted and launched his fist to another guy's face.

    "She's not yours! She's mine!!" the other guy said and returned a punch.

    "Bwahaha~ I'm her boyfriend, you fool!"

    "Not for long!"

    "Oh, stop fighting over Anne! You keep fighting over her. Anne is the one to decide who shall be hers." Lei said. The guys stop fighting but kept glaring at each other.

    "The two of you shall date Anne while she decides who is better." Lei said, a bit calmed. Anne stood beside Lei with chin up and hands on her back.

    "Who are those two guys?" Amber asked.

    "The boyfriend is Edward and the other guy is Jake." Mhae answered.

    "Oh, no wonder they like Anne, she's like an angel and Lei's like a Goddess.

    "They're actually sisters, Lei as the older. But they often treat each other as mother and daughter."

    "That's sweet." Amber smiled.

    ”Oh, there's Issa. Well, we better go home. Do you want to go with us?" Jannah said.

    "Really? Cristelle, can we go with them?" Amber asked with puppy eyes.

    "Sorry, I'm really tired and my neck's a bit stiff. But you can go with them if you want to."

    "Oh, if that's the case, I'll stay with you. Sorry, Jannah.. We can't go with you. Maybe next time?" Amber pouted.

    "Oh, sure. It's fine. Maybe Stelle's sick. Bye, you two! Take care of Stelle, Amber."

    "I will. Bye!" Amber waved her hand. "Come on, Cristelle, let's go home."

    "Oh, Ms. Amber Jade Levesque! I forgot to tell you that if you want to sign up to the crew, call me within the week and I'll give you a form of registry to fill up. That's all. Bye!" Lorraine said. Amber's expression was blank. Cristelle can't tell if she was excited or something.

    "Oh, one last thing.. Cristelle! Why are you not attending meeting or practices anymore? If you will keep doing that, I shall drop you from the crew... No, you're a very good dancer. I shall not drop you, instead, I shall suspend you for some time, for real this time.. Bye, hun!" And she left.

    Cristelle glared at her and made funny faces. Amber laughed at her and tapped Cristelle's shoulder to remind her that they're going home.

    "Cristelle, you're pale.. Are you okay? You didn't really eat much of your lunch. Are you feeling anything odd, strange or something?" Amber asked. They started walking to the parking lot of the school. Amber laid her

    "Umm, maybe I just need a little rest."

    "I'm a bit worried about you. Let's go home."

    They went home fast. Cristelle approached and collapsed on the couch and groaned.

    "I'm, ugh, dizzy and my head hurts. L-Let's eat dinner so.. so we can get to bed..." Cristelle staggered.

    "Okay," Amber opened the fridge and took out some of the leftovers to reheat in the microwave. They ate quietly and, again, Cristelle didn't eat much.

    Amber remembered the two guys fighting, Edward and Jake. Edward was a bit familiar, but Jake wasn't. Amber and Cristelle were at the stairs, heading for their rooms.

    "Cristelle, do I happen to know Edward before the accident?" Amber asked, biting her fingernails.

    "Oh, I don't know. I'm not really feeling well right now so, ugh, good night, Amber."

    "Good night, Cristelle." Amber said. "Get well soon..." She muttered.

    When Amber held the door knob, a tingle went through her body. Her eyes widened and her heart beat fast. She slowly turned the knob without knowing why she's feeling strange.

    She opened the door to see her room a complete mess. Everything was scattered everywhere. The drawers, the closet, and the cabinets were wide open.

    "What the?! What happened here?!" Amber stared in horror. She went to Cristelle and knocked on her door. The door opened slowly. Cristelle peeked and raised her right eyebrow.

    "Why, Amber?" Cristelle collapsed to her bed.

    "M-My room... It's a complete mess. S-Someone must have broke inside when we were out..." Amber held Cristelle's hands very tight.

    "W-What?! Me too. I knew this would happen..."

    "What do you mean you knew this would happen?"

    "I'll explain to you tomorrow."

    "But.. Okay. Goodnight.." Amber went to her room slowly. Her eyes widened when she saw her door closed when she left it open.

    "Woah... Okay, I'm scared." She ran to Cristelle again and knocked, but Cristelle didn't open the door.

    "Yes?" Cristelle shouted loud enough to be heard by Amber.

    "Can I, ugh, sleep their too? I'm a bit scared right now. I don't want to be alone..."

    "Fine. Wait, I'm changing." After a while, Cristelle opened the door and stretched her arm, pointing her bed. She wore a blue bonnet that covered her hair, a purple, long sleeve wool shirt, too long pajamas and pink fluffy slippers. They both collapsed on the bed. Amber fell asleep as soon as she closed her eyes.

    She was dreaming. She was back in the park. She held her diary in her hands. She opened it slowly and felt the pages, they looked older than the last time.

    ★I called out on Lee Oppa. He turned, letting me see his rainbow eyes and his gummy smile reaching his ears. He was with his girlfriend, Nica. They were on the swing by the pool, with Nica leaning on Lee Oppa.

    'Wae? (Why?)' asked Lee Oppa.

    'Oppa, dinner time.'

    'Oh.. Okay.'

    'Oppa.. after dinner, can I please talk to you at my room?'

    'Oh, sure.'

    We ate dinner. I knew that Nica was allergic to seafood, so I made a crab steak that looks like beef. When she ate it, she looked green and puked right in front of Lee Oppa. I went to my room and bursted out laughing as quiet as I could. I lied down my bed and could feel my tummy full. I breathed a bit heavily, feeling sleepy. My eyes were about to fall when someone knocked at the door.

    'Come in!!' I saw the door creaked open to see Lee Oppa peeking inside.

    'Oppa...' I stood up as quickly as I can.

    'I know you were the one who made dinner. You knew Nica was allergic to seafood. Why would you do that?'

    'Oppa, she didn't ask if anything was seafood. Why blame me? She should have asked. Besides, I didn't tell her because I thought she doesn't like meat and there was the vegetable salad!'

    'Excuses! Always excuses! You just have to tell me you don't like her. Is that so hard to do?' Ren Oppa looked stressed.

    'No, I hate her! Yes, it's hard for me. Because I don't want you to hate me.'

    'And why the hell would I? Say sorry to her tomorrow.

    'THAT'S IT!' I shouted. 'GET OUT OF MY ROOM! NOW!!'

    'What happened to the Hazel I once knew?' Oppa left.

    I screamed and threw the fragile stuffs from the mirror.

    Why can't Oppa just love me back? He's the son of South Korea's richest man. But Appa adopted him when he was two months old. He's not my real brother, why can't he like me? He's just too perfect. Who can't like him? And what's so good about Nica? Ugh! I better sleep, I've got a trip to Greece tomorrow.★

    The dream shifted slowly. Amber stood up, when I looked back, the bench was gone. The park disappeared. She couldn't see anything, darkness surrounded me. She was standing on a very soft ground. She touched the ground to feel it cold and powdery. Snow, she thought. She looked up to see the sun rising from the horizon. Amber was wearing a plain red bonnet, comfortable white scarf, a brown coat, black leggings and leathet boots. She looked at the ground and discovered that it was winter, it was snowing now. Amber was on a playground Everything was covered in snow. I approached the swing and brushed my hand against its seats to remove the snow and sat. Amber kicked the ground and she started to swing slowly, her head buried low. She hummed a song sang by Girl's Generation, Hoot. A guy sat on the seat of the swing beside Amber. She looked up to see her father.


    Sorry, guys... This is absolutely a very late update. But I was just really busy. TT3TT
  13. After classes, Amber and Cristelle hung out at the cafeteria for a while. Amber didn't tell what she and Lorraine talked about. Amber just stared at the window silently, as if there's an interesting show outside.

    "Hi, Amber! Hi, Stelle! 'Sup?" Jannah, with Vern and Mhae, came over their table and sat.

    "Hey," Amber said shyly.

    "Amber, I heard you got a nice grade from Lorraine. Good job!" Vern said.

    "Yeah, you look so—" A very loud shout disrupted Jannah.

    "Don't ever touch her again, you jerk!" a guy shouted and launched his fist to another guy's face.

    "She's not yours! She's mine!!" the other guy said and returned a punch.

    "Bwahaha~ I'm her boyfriend, you fool!"

    "Not for long!"

    "Oh, stop fighting over Anne! You keep fighting over her. Anne is the one to decide who shall be hers." Lei said. The guys stop fighting but kept glaring at each other.

    "The two of you shall date Anne while she decides who is better." Lei said, a bit calmed. Anne stood beside Lei with chin up and hands on her back.

    "Who are those two guys?" Amber asked.

    "The boyfriend is Edward and the other guy is Jake." Mhae answered.

    "Oh, no wonder they like Anne, she's like an angel and Lei's like a Goddess.

    "They're actually sisters, Lei as the older. But they often treat each other as mother and daughter."

    "That's sweet." Amber smiled.

    ”Oh, there's Issa. Well, we better go home. Do you want to go with us?" Jannah said.

    "Really? Cristelle, can we go with them?" Amber asked with puppy eyes.

    "Sorry, I'm really tired and my neck's a bit stiff. But you can go with them if you want to."

    "Oh, if that's the case, I'll stay with you. Sorry, Jannah.. We can't go with you. Maybe next time?" Amber pouted.

    "Oh, sure. It's fine. Maybe Stelle's sick. Bye, you two! Take care of Stelle, Amber."

    "I will. Bye!" Amber waved her hand. "Come on, Cristelle, let's go home."

    "Oh, Ms. Amber Jade Levesque! I forgot to tell you that if you want to sign up to the crew, call me within the week and I'll give you a form of registry to fill up. That's all. Bye!" Lorraine said. Amber's expression was blank. Cristelle can't tell if she was excited or something.

    "Oh, one last thing.. Cristelle! Why are you not attending meeting or practices anymore? If you will keep doing that, I shall drop you from the crew... No, you're a very good dancer. I shall not drop you, instead, I shall suspend you for some time, for real this time.. Bye, hun!" And she left.

    Cristelle glared at her and made funny faces. Amber laughed at her and tapped Cristelle's shoulder to remind her that they're going home.

    "Cristelle, you're pale.. Are you okay? You didn't really eat much of your lunch. Are you feeling anything odd, strange or something?" Amber asked. They started walking to the parking lot of the school. Amber laid her

    "Umm, maybe I just need a little rest."

    "I'm a bit worried about you. Let's go home."

    They went home fast. Cristelle approached and collapsed on the couch and groaned.

    "I'm, ugh, dizzy and my head hurts. L-Let's eat dinner so.. so we can get to bed..." Cristelle staggered.

    "Okay," Amber opened the fridge and took out some of the leftovers to reheat in the microwave. They ate quietly and, again, Cristelle didn't eat much.

    Amber remembered the two guys fighting, Edward and Jake. Edward was a bit familiar, but Jake wasn't. Amber and Cristelle were at the stairs, heading for their rooms.

    "Cristelle, do I happen to know Edward before the accident?" Amber asked, biting her fingernails.

    "Oh, I don't know. I'm not really feeling well right now so, ugh, good night, Amber."

    "Good night, Cristelle." Amber said. "Get well soon..." She muttered.

    When Amber held the door knob, a tingle went through her body. Her eyes widened and her heart beat fast. She slowly turned the knob without knowing why she's feeling strange.

    She opened the door to see her room a complete mess. Everything was scattered everywhere. The drawers, the closet, and the cabinets were wide open.

    "What the?! What happened here?!" Amber stared in horror. She went to Cristelle and knocked on her door. The door opened slowly. Cristelle peeked and raised her right eyebrow.

    "Why, Amber?" Cristelle collapsed to her bed.

    "M-My room... It's a complete mess. S-Someone must have broke inside when we were out..." Amber held Cristelle's hands very tight.

    "W-What?! Me too. I knew this would happen..."

    "What do you mean you knew this would happen?"

    "I'll explain to you tomorrow."

    "But.. Okay. Goodnight.." Amber went to her room slowly. Her eyes widened when she saw her door closed when she left it open.

    "Woah... Okay, I'm scared." She ran to Cristelle again and knocked, but Cristelle didn't open the door.

    "Yes?" Cristelle shouted loud enough to be heard by Amber.

    "Can I, ugh, sleep their too? I'm a bit scared right now. I don't want to be alone..."

    "Fine. Wait, I'm changing." After a while, Cristelle opened the door and stretched her arm, pointing her bed. She wore a blue bonnet that covered her hair, a purple, long sleeve wool shirt, too long pajamas and pink fluffy slippers. They both collapsed on the bed. Amber fell asleep as soon as she closed her eyes.

    She was dreaming. She was back in the park. She held her diary in her hands. She opened it slowly and felt the pages, they looked older than the last time.

    ★I called out on Lee Oppa. He turned, letting me see his rainbow eyes and his gummy smile reaching his ears. He was with his girlfriend, Nica. They were on the swing by the pool, with Nica leaning on Lee Oppa.

    'Wae? (Why?)' asked Lee Oppa.

    'Oppa, dinner time.'

    'Oh.. Okay.'

    'Oppa.. after dinner, can I please talk to you at my room?'

    'Oh, sure.'

    We ate dinner. I knew that Nica was allergic to seafood, so I made a crab steak that looks like beef. When she ate it, she looked green and puked right in front of Lee Oppa. I went to my room and bursted out laughing as quiet as I could. I lied down my bed and could feel my tummy full. I breathed a bit heavily, feeling sleepy. My eyes were about to fall when someone knocked at the door.

    'Come in!!' I saw the door creaked open to see Lee Oppa peeking inside.

    'Oppa...' I stood up as quickly as I can.

    'I know you were the one who made dinner. You knew Nica was allergic to seafood. Why would you do that?'

    'Oppa, she didn't ask if anything was seafood. Why blame me? She should have asked. Besides, I didn't tell her because I thought she doesn't like meat and there was the vegetable salad!'

    'Excuses! Always excuses! You just have to tell me you don't like her. Is that so hard to do?' Ren Oppa looked stressed.

    'No, I hate her! Yes, it's hard for me. Because I don't want you to hate me.'

    'And why the hell would I? Say sorry to her tomorrow.

    'THAT'S IT!' I shouted. 'GET OUT OF MY ROOM! NOW!!'

    'What happened to the Hazel I once knew?' Oppa left.

    I screamed and threw the fragile stuffs from the mirror.

    Why can't Oppa just love me back? He's the son of South Korea's richest man. But Appa adopted him when he was two months old. He's not my real brother, why can't he like me? He's just too perfect. Who can't like him? And what's so good about Nica? Ugh! I better sleep, I've got a trip to Greece tomorrow.★

    The dream shifted slowly. Amber stood up, when I looked back, the bench was gone. The park disappeared. She couldn't see anything, darkness surrounded me. She was standing on a very soft ground. She touched the ground to feel it cold and powdery. Snow, she thought. She looked up to see the sun rising from the horizon. Amber was wearing a plain red bonnet, comfortable white scarf, a brown coat, black leggings and leathet boots. She looked at the ground and discovered that it was winter, it was snowing now. Amber was on a playground Everything was covered in snow. I approached the swing and brushed my hand against its seats to remove the snow and sat. Amber kicked the ground and she started to swing slowly, her head buried low. She hummed a song sang by Girl's Generation, Hoot. A guy sat on the seat of the swing beside Amber. She looked up to see her father.


    Sorry, guys... This is absolutely a very late update. But I was just really busy. TT3TT
  14. Oops.. I posted it two times ..