Correction: "My family, that's all." Hazel lied. She didn't want to share that moment in the library. She remembered that ADRIAN was once her boyfriend, and that Cristelle was the reason they broke up. SORRY FOR THE CORRECTIONS
"Hazel Valdez, it's me." Hazel was now sobbing. "Kedrian Jake Hunter, it's really you! I can't believe y-your.. your hair looks aweful, gosh. Nah, just kidding." They both chuckled. "You don't know how hurt I was when I found out that you were caught in an accident." Ian said. Hazel's face straightened. "So you're a two-timer then..." "What?!" "You think I didn't hear what both of you were talking about when I woke up this morning? Both of you were laughing and flirting at each other while you're holding each other's hands. First Adrian and now, you?! Ian, how could you do this to me?!!" "You remember Adrian? You have your memories back?" "Not yet, but I am disappointed that only pieces of it are coming back.. And I hate you for lying to me!! You met us here in the hospital?!! You damn liar!!" "Don't you dare call me that!!" "Well, for your information, you're not my boss. I'm ditching you!" "Well, go ahead! I don't need you. You're just a stain on my life I'd want to remove." Before Ian knew it, Hazel slapped him, really hard. Her handprint on his face was as red as a tomato. "Yes, call me that and you can have more bruises." Hazel glared. "D-Did you just slap me?!!" "Well, what do you think?!! I've had enough of you. Don't ever mess with me again." Hazel turned, but stopped and . "You know, I remember I once promised myself that if I hurt you, I'd hurt myself too... But the pain you gave me hurts much more than the slap I gave you. So well done and go give yourself an ovation, you've beaten me." Hazel walked away. Hazel went to the mall and found Cristelle waiting for her. Hazel don't know why she still loves her as her bestfriend when she stole Ian and Adrian. "Lego! I can't wait to shop." Cristelle said. "So am I~" Hazel said. They shopped and shopped until their legs worn out. They went to a nearby restaurant. Hazel's expression was blank. She wants to start a new life. She wants to leave her old life. "Let's go to that salon."Cristelle pointed her finger on the salon at the upper floor. "It's my fave and I love their hairdos! This time I'm gonna make my hair extra rebonded and red with fading black at the bottom. I bet I'm going to look awesome!! How 'bout you?" "Secret! I'm going to show it when we're both done." Hazel grinned. "Then, I'm going to change mine too. Oh, I bet you're gonna look like Barbie!" Cristelle joked. "No, I hate Barbie. She's too girly and all that." "Oh, so you're going to look like Miley Cyrus?" Cristelle laughed. "What? No! It's not like she looks awefull, but no!" Hazel pouted and laughed. "Okay, okay. After the salon, we go shop for your new phone, 'kay? Oh, and shoes also, I think my feet have gone bigger." "You're so rich. How can you afford all this? Do you have a part-time job?" "No, I was adopted by a rich family. But they're back in South Korea. Your mom's Korean too. Oh, I almost forgot. Tomorrow is Alicia's birthday, she's turning 17. Let's go buy her gift after buying shoes." "Geurae." They finished their meal and went to the salon. They got their nails and hair done at the same time. They were both far from each other's seat. When they were done, Cristelle went to Hazel's seat and her eyes widened. "Woah! You look perfect, Hazel!!"
Cristelle was looking at Hazel's reflection over the mirror. Hazel turned and smiled. "Thanks, Cris. You look wonderful too!" Hazel combed her hand on Cristelle's hair. Cristelle's hair was purple from the top and fading into magenta and into black to the bottom. Her nails were glittery pink with a very colorful tip that match her hair. "You look like Aphrodite... Though we've never really seen her." Cristelle said and laughed. Hazel's hair was straight black with blue highlights in at the half curly bottom. Her nails were midnight blue with green pearlescent that match her eyes. "Here, I bought this earrings for you. Wear it." Cristelle gave Hazel a pair of earings. The earrings were cute little South Korean flags. "Thanks, Cris! But I don't know how I can ever really repay you for all of this. You're the best friend ever!" Hazel hugged Cristelle. At that moment Hazel completely forgot her anger at Cristelle. She loves her despite the bad things she had done. "Come on, let's go buy shoes!" They paid and went to an expensive shoe shop. "I think I like this one. It looks bright but simple." Hazel picked a baby blue, leather shoe and looked at its size. She approached a saleslady. "Can I get a size nine?" And she gave the shoe. Cristelle turned and looked at Hazel. "Hazel, you remember your foot size..." "Ugh, yeah. Of course, at some times, I can remember little pieces of memory." Hazel wasn't lying. She's very disappointed that the return of her memories were very slow. The saleslady returned with a shoe box. Hazel sat and tried the shoe on. "It's a bit narrow on the sides but it's okay, it's comfortable." "Are you going to buy those?" Cristelle asked. "Maybe... How 'bout you? Are you going to buy that?" Hazel pointed at the yellow, ribboned shoe Cristelle was holding. "Yeah. Looks cute, right?" "It looks so cute. It matches your bag." Cristelle was wearing an orange, leather, MCM handbag. "Oh yeah! Well yours match your dress." Hazel was wearing a cyan, sleeveless, Jellybean dress. "Right? Come on let's go pay for them." They paid for the shoes and left the shoe shop. They bought Hazel's new phone and a purse for Alicia. After that, they watched a movie. The movie was about a guy who changed his identity and found his love on a cruise. Cristelle was crying at the end because his love died. But Hazel wasn't crying, she just ate her popcorn and and just concentrated at the story of the guy's life and was very quiet. When the movie ended, Cristelle didn't finish her popcorn so she gave it to Hazel, who was craving for more. After that, they went home and called it a day. Cristelle followed Hazel to her apartment. Cristelle unlocked and opened the door and turned on the lights. And Hazel's jaw dropped "Wow, Cristelle! You're a badass billionare!! This apartment is a mini-mansion. Look at these cabinets! They are so elegant and unique." Hazel kept blabbing about the furnitures and appliances. When she glanced at Cristelle, her eyes were teary. "Cristelle, why are you crying?" "Because it's like the first time you entered my apartment. You were so astonished and amazed back then. It's so you." Cristelle ran into Hazel's arms and sobbed. "Cristelle, I'm not dead yet, but I think you think I am." Hazel joked. "Hazel, I just really missed you... Don't ever get into an accident again, okay?" "Yes, mom. By the way, where's my room?" "Upstairs. Come on." They went upstairs and into Hazel's room. It was sky blue. The bed was wide and comfortable. The cabinet were slidding mirrors. And there's a big closet filled with shoes, watches, bags and glasses. "Cristelle, you're the richest child in the whole world." Hazel said slowly. "You were actually richer than me... You're father was a chaebol* and you're mother was an artist. You also sold some paintings you made..." "Naega??" "Yes. Everybody envied you, even me. Every first day of the month we exchange gifts. And the ones you gave me were always more expensive. You were my inspiration in everything I do and believe. You were my idol." "I don't feel like those... I feel like a bozo* relying on my bestfriend." "No, you're not a bozo, Hazel!" "... Remember the guy from the movie we just watched? I want to be like him. I want to change my identity and restart my life.. And I am going to. Will you support me?" Hazel's eyes were pleading Cristelle. "Hazel, it's always've been your wish! And I'm going to support you and be by your side." "Gumawo*, Cristelle. I will not let this chance get away." ●∽●∽●∽●∽●∽●∽●∽●∽●∽●∽●∽●∽● Vocabulary: •Chaebol(Korean): a very rich man •Bozo: a stupid or foolish person •Naega(Korean): Me or I •Gumawo(Korean): Thanks
HAZEL'S NEW IDENTITY HAS BEEN REVEALED IN THIS UPDATE. BUT SOMEONE RECOGNIZED HER. ●∽●∽●∽●∽●∽●∽●∽●∽●∽●∽●∽● "Okay, let's go sleep." Cristelle said. She left Hazel and went to her room. Hazel washed, freshened up and went to bed. But Hazel can't sleep. She's as awake as an owl. She went downstairs and get some water. She went upstairs again into Cristelle's room. "Cristelle." But Cristelle didn't stir. Once again, Hazel called out her name and shook her shoulder. Cristelle's eyes opened. "Hazel, what's going on?" "I can't sleep. Do you have some sleeping pills?" "Yeah, sure." Cristelle got out of her bed, opened the drawer beside her bed and took the pills out. "Thanks, goodnight!" Then Hazel drank her pills and went back to her room. Hazel woke up at about 10:30 am. She looked for Cristelle, but she's not home. She ate her brunch* and watched TV. Cristelle returned about lunch time. "Hey, Hazel. I left because I needed to buy some groceries.. We will go to Alicia's at about 4:30 pm. And it's almost 1 pm. Go take a bath, and we'll go out after to get a makeover at one of the most superb salon in the world. This one's one of my parents' business. They are so excellent, and marvelous!" "Oh, I'm excited!" Hazel said, calmly. Hazel took a bath and dressed up. Cristelle led Hazel to the parking lot and unlocked her car. "You have a car and we didn't use it yesterday?" Hazel complained. "Yeah, I forgot the keys at the apartment so, uh, I got lazy and just took a cab. Ehehe~" Cristelle excused. "Well, this car... Yeah, it's hot." Hazel stared at the metallic blue car that has an adjustable roof. Cristelle amd Hazel went to the salon and got their makeover. Hazel's hair was tied up into a bun and her bangs was curved perfectly with the curly long ends, while Cristelle's hair was curly and was also clipped at the side with a classy clip. Upstairs was a majestic boutique and Hazel didn't expect that. "You're rich. You're kind. You're beautiful. Tell me, do I deserve someone like you? Gosh, you're the girl every guy would like to go out with." "Oh, stop it! Just go pick your outfit, Hazel." "Strictly formal?" "Yep!" Hazel perambulated around the boutique. Hazel can't choose which gown because they were all beautiful. So Hazel picked all the best and tried them out until she finally chose her gown, and she looked definitely stunning in it. Cristelle finally checked her out and staggered. "Hazel, you look so sublime!" ●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•● It was 3:45 pm when Cristelle and Hazel arrived at Alicia's. There were many people. There's a spacious stage at the front. Many people were sitting at the tables, while the others are standing and talking to others. But no one seem to know Hazel. A girl approached Cristelle and welcomed her. "Oh, Kathy!! It's been almost a year since the last we've met." Cristelle said. "Yes... But who is this friend of yours?" Kathy asked. "Hello, nice to meet you! I'm Amber Jade Levesque." Hazel said. Cristelle stared at her until she understood what she meant, Hazel had revealed her new identity. "Yes, Amber. She's my bestfriend." "Well, it's nice to meet you too! Let me lead you two to your table." "Thank you!" Cristelle said. Kathy led them to their table and left them. "Well, I guess you've decided. Where did you get 'Amber Levesque'?" Cristelle said. "This necklace I'm wearing is Amber and my earings are Jade. And I've read a book wrote by Janina Levesque this morning." "Nice name. So, I'm going to call you Amber from now on, right? Gotta get used to that." Cristelle chuckled. The speaker announced that the event will be starting soon. After a while, the speaker introduced and revealed Alicia. After that they ate dinner. Alicia went to Cristelle and Amber's table. "Wow, Alicia! You look so chic!" Cristelle complinted. "Thank you, Cristelle! Oh, who's this?" Alicia said, with a british accent. "This my friend, Amber Levesque." "Hello, Alicia. It's nice to meet you." Amber said clamly. "You too. Please help yourselves.There are plenty of food here especially for you, Cristelle!" "Me?" "Of course, you, you bon vivant*!" Alicia laughed. "Okay, I'll leave you too alone." Alicia left. They continued eating. Amber looked around, but nobody seemed familiar. But there was a girl who is staring at her. She approached her. "Hazel." The girl said. Amber's heartbeat stopped. It was Marielle. ●∽●∽●∽●∽●∽●∽●∽●∽●∽●∽●∽● Bon Vivant (French): a person who likes going to parties and other social occasions and who enjoys good food, wine, etc.
"Hazel." The girl said. Amber's heartbeat stopped. She remembered who the girl was. It was Marielle. "Hazel, I missed you so much." Marielle said calmly. "She's not Hazel." Cristelle cut in. "I was also... shocked when I saw her. She looked exactly like Hazel. But Hazel died in the accident. This is Amber, Amber Jade Levesque." She added. "No, you're absolutely Hazel. Your grayish emerald eyes, your long slim fingers. It's definitely you." "I don't know who you are. And I'm not Hazel." Amber said. "Are you telling me I'm lying then? Or you're Hazel's twin? Are you making me look like an idiot? Well, stop it. It's not funny." "Stop it, Marielle! She's not Hazel, she's Amber." Cristelle pursuaded. "No, Hazel can't be dead. You told me she lived." "Not for long. She died two years ago. It was a very private funeral, her closest relatives were only invited. Her last words for me was 'The roasted chicken was great.'. Do you believe me now?" A tear fell from Marielle's eyes but her face was blanked. She nodded slowly and went back to her seat. After a silent moment, Amber laughed. " 'The roasted chicken was great?' Was that the beat you can think of?" Amber said. And Cristelle laughed too. "It was really what you last texted to me." "It's a wonder you still remember it." Alcia spoke on the microphone "Excuse me, everyone. Umm,I'm very sorry, but the band can't come. Their car broke on the way here. So, I'm requesting volunteers here to, ugh, come here at the stage and— sing or play music for, ugh, me... Thank you," Alicia staggered. Cristelle's eyes widened. "Haz— I mean Amber! You can sing. You've always sing on my birthday. Go to the stage and sing." Cristelle said. "Ugh, I don't know!" Amber said. "Come on, you can do this! You just have to sing, that's all!" Amber shook her head. Then Cristelle gave up on pursuading her and shouted to Alicia. "Amber, here, can sing! And she volunteers!!" "Oh, Amber. Please do come here at the stage and sing for me." Alicia replied. Amber shot a I-don't-know-what-to-do look at Cristelle. "Just go." Cristelle pulled Amber to the stage. Cristelle borrowed the microphone and asked for a guitarist. Fortunately, there was a red-headed who volunteered. His name was Jasper. He came to the stage and waited for Amber to sing. Amber was so nervous. She stared to the crowd. A song came to her mind suddenly. She started singing. "Everyone is questioning me, they say I’ve changed. I think my heart is stuck to you, the whole world is you. I can’t stop you, you’re already full Right now in this moment you’re in my heart." Everybody listened. They were quiet and interested. Amber looked at Cristelle, who can't stop grinning. "I taste you and drink you. My whole body is shaking, even if I keep getting you it’s not enough. My shivering thirst, grab this moment. The world stops but it’s so good, Can’t stop it. Hey doctor this is not okay right now. I can’t cope. I think I will die without this feeling. The reason I’m alive, I’m addicted to your sweetness." After the song ended. Everyone applauded including Critstelle and the guitar dude. Amber shyly went back to her seat slightly smiling. "You were A-MA-ZING! What song was that?" Cristelle said. "The english version of Overdose by EXO.." "No way.. That rap? It was awesome!!" "You really think so?" Amber blushed. "Think so? I know so!!" "I think that Jasper dude likes you. He blushed when you thanked for him and his friends friends giggled at him." Cristelle said. "No! Cristelle, don't." Amber protested. Cristelle giggled. Amber glanced at the Jasper dude and caught him staring at her. "Ehem... I saw that and both of you blushed!" "Oh, stop it. I like someone else." "Ugh, excuse me. Did you just say you like someone?? Do tell." "Hmm... I was just joking! By the way, this heels hurt." Time passed and the party ended. They were heading out when someone called out on Amber. It was Marielle. "Amber, I'm sorry about what happened. I just missed Hazel very much.." "She must be a very awesome girl." Amber laughed inside her head. "She is. And Cristelle, I need to talk to you.." "You can go to the car first, Amber." Cristelle said.