OMG..... Sports bodies

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by 2-INSIDIOUS-2, Apr 22, 2014.

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  1. Haters gonna hate
  2. Jortdzy, running is the most manliest sport there is. It takes a strong, healthy, active body and mind to run like that.

    Besides what's football going to teach u anyway? kick your own balls?

    TO THE MAX 
  4. Y u glowin? 
  5. What events do you partake in during your meets?
  6. Captain Crotch
  7. Admiral A.
  8. I tried football its for emos, i did body basketball and its very manly,tennis was girly, cricket is for ppl who dont like getting hurt, now im into body building and its quite manly, soccer is also manly
  9. I want to know why the fuck he has spots of dirt all over him, if your gonna photo shop something at least make yourself not filthy, and jortzdy or whatever your name is I'm highly aware he's black! He's still filthy!
  10. I would outrun your ass anyday #WhiteSwag
  11. They have ashy skin. Mystery solved. Lotion up, bitches
  12. They're glowing because they're secretly vampires, like the ones from twilight. xD
  13. Superman swag doe
  14. 1.stop being a hater
    3. I run the 100.200,400,800,4x1,4x2,4x4,4x8
  15. You're still ashy.
  16. Ashy
  17. Its the effect and idc im still top 10 fastest in state ashy or not
  18. So your one of 500 people,stalkers go go go!
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