Old School vs New School

Discussion in 'Wars' started by M4GN1F1C3NT_BANDZ, Sep 4, 2014.

  1. Needs bb codes :lol: lemme do it
  2. If ya want but ken offered as well 
  3. We had an old school vs new school war. I got dragged on to new school for even side purposes. Was a blast.
  4. Old school with tiny stats rock on
  5. Well my main is old school
  6. Who won justin? And was it close ?
  7. Brahim I doubt your old school I'm down if the new schoolers are down
  8. I'm new school and I love both wars AND the parties.
  9. Which am I? 
  10. Foot vs pimd war is next?il defeat you all MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAi have had way too much coffee today.
  11. New school won. Not very close at all.