Old players Reunion

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by ll-Sexy_Goldie-ll, Dec 2, 2022.

  1. Hi to all the classic players.
  2. 11 years here. Going in 12
    V_Witchy_101 likes this.
  3. 7 Years plus.. came back after a long break... 💀
  4. My 1st name was adorablytricky
    Can't believe it has been going on 6 yrs 😳
  5. What about the cute key hunt or the super pro parties or whatever those were called? I thought those were supposed to come back
    Isekai likes this.
  6. 9-10 years here idk Pokémon hunt , Harry Potter hunt and there was a hunt around valentines where your rs and yourself had to work together to collect the most drops ? I guess it’s added together the ava was the dj girl pink hair ? Those were cool (Beta wars ) not a hunt but those were fun

    names : Gezer , 3rd party app I shouldn’t put but starts with a T ,
    Wetdreams-KiLling_You_4_Fun , and Eto
  7. The years may have rolled by . But one fact that has stayed evident and held in the test of time :- Kaw owns pimd !!
    -IN-ToEatingPie- likes this.
  8. More than 7 years i guess! Hey there 👋
  9. Hi. I’m 7 years player. Come back after a long hiatus. ☺️🌵
  10. Same
  11. I don’t even know what I was talking about, Im a 9 year player 💀
  12. Hii everyone🤩
    I am a 7 years player. I just got back a couple days ago after a long break🤪🥰I'm also looking for an rs who can ask but I don't rp at all🙈I do love to chat and laugh here tho.
  13. Dang old player... do you guys remember back then when ATA is not competent enough to host a hunt event so they always add an extra time just cause... they miscalculate? Maybe? it happened on a few first hunts...