old Pimd-ers

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Charlie202, Nov 3, 2011.

  1. I started in like...before december, i remember everyone freaking out about you and your abs :3
  2. Couldn't start before December
  3. Well sometime in december then :/ my memory about this game is sketchy
  4. Oak I don't give a shit the logic on previous pages shows early-mid January is g1 so get off my back
  5. Hi nat lol didn't see your post
  6. I've been here from the start but my interest in PIMD is fading.(unfortunately). Once you lcbc there is nothing else to keep you going except the awesome friends I've made on here . I think we new something else to keep some us playing . Im thinking something like Epic Battles . And Epic battles can be found on Kingdoms at war for the ones that don't know what I'm talking about. It's just my opinion so...........
  7. Actually early-mid Jan is when I started and I'm G1.5
  8. I'm old like moldy cheese
  9.  it's CHARLIE!!! :D
  10. G1/2 don't really have a clue tbh but I've been about for a while woooo