Oh God... nightmares about Zombies wearing Alice cosplay clo

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *CheekyChloe (01), Sep 23, 2011.

  1. Me and rocky really like each other and can't tell.
  2. 
  3. I got perma muted for the freaking 3rd time!
  4. Spyder.
    No one here gives a flying fuzzdoodle
  5. What is a flying fuzzudle or what ever ._.
  6. There's a hint for ya spyder. Stop talking .

    In my nightmare, tiny, evil pink giraffes were hiding under the bedclothes in my hotel room biting my feet. When I tried to move, they chased me and kept biting until I ran and then the evil headmistress who owned the hotel told me it was my fault cos it was actually a nice giraffe so I must have done something wrong.

    Then for the super scary bit when it kind of came true:

    I woke up and the kitten was under the duvet biting my toes 
  7. I hate repeat nightmares i jut stayed awake for a few days straight andit left me alone
  8. [​IMG]

    I looked like this on my first kiss. ROCKKYYYY
  9. -whispers to Chloe- I am going to hide under the bed where monsters can rape me

  10. I'm gonna stand guard bye the door with my samurai sword I'll protect u guys from any monsters/zombies go to sleep
  11. If you kinda think about what you said
    It kinda sounds a tad bit..wrong

  12. It sounds perfectly fine to meh. :/
  13. ...I must've been thinking the wrong thing

    If you know what I mean 
  14. Chops spyder in half with my sword anyone els think that sounds weird
  15. Lol I thought he was a zombie okay nvm