
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by IlXlIJ0P0IlXlI, Apr 10, 2019.

  1. Big nub grind
  2. support
  3. They’re leaving the thread
  5. Was lah-vah-lee yesterday. It rained today
  6. Bump for that extra post count
  7. Today, I watched a large, curly haired dog drag a boy in a karate outfit around my neighborhood.

  8. ok next time that happens I suggest you record it and send it to me k
  10. I hope his parents realized he can't handle a dog that size but, if not, I'll film it. Haha

  11. If his parents are millennials just tell them they'll go viral and they'll be ok with it
  12. As a fellow millennial, I feel as though it is my responsibility in a scenario in which implications are made about my kind to say.... "You're right."
  13. As a fellow millennial I can tell you "I know" 
  14. It was hot. I almost died when I stepped outside.
  15. You know what’s really off topic is I want ikeo furniture and no one will helps me ?

  16. And no one will

  17. How hot?
  18. I literally dont think anyone has ikeo furni because they're seen as recycle furni and no one rly opens amazing furni boxes anymore
  19. I think I have an ikeo rug
  20. I was opening my mailbox and soon as I pulled out my mail a bird sh itted on it ?