
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by *Adelynn (01), Jun 3, 2011.

  1. [​IMG]

    Bam! You have all been charlieafied
  2. A 65 pound bow mother f***ers
  3. Where is everyone? 
  4. *Snoozes in a corner*
  5. *Wakes up from interruption* why, hello, there.
  6.  I wasn't starring at you while sleep  lol jk
  7. Charlie, I didn't say anything like that. I was just kidding there. :p
  8. Lol sureee

    Sophie, how was your day my love?
  9. :0 where did u get cookies?!

    And good, I'm going to the beach in like an hour or so
  10. I'm gonna steal your cookies >:)

    And you should come to the beach! Some how o_O
  11. It's raining here 
  12. its hella hot where i live
  13. I went swimming

    With the fishes