
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by *Adelynn (01), Jun 3, 2011.

  1. Oh hi there I was looking for chu
  2. I'm right heres!!!!!
  3. Mentally getting mad at adelynn for leaving wbu
  4. Watching valentines day on hbo
  5. Does that mean your fighting her in your head?
  6. You ok Zur?

    And no im silently glaring at her in my head. I'm shy in real life so thy what I do when I'm mad 
  7. Ha lol

    I get mad but I don't talk to people I don't know. Or if I try I end up all flustered and it ends bad
  8. No zur what's wrong?!

    And bruins ya I don't talk to people I don't know. I usually have random girls come up to me but usually my friends are there and they explain that I'm shy.
  9. I'm still thinking about my mom  how happy she'd be
  10.'s awkward when I end up sitting next to people in class that I don't know and they're all talking and I'm not. Plus most guys think that i think I'm above them so life gets depressing
  11.  oh, well I bet she is happy. She's in heaven and she watching over you and your family
  12. I hope so  she always said she want her first grandchild a boy.. I don't know If I can take care of him 
  13. Above them?

    And I bet you can take care him, you just gotta believe you
  14. Yea cuz I'm always kinda detached from conversations cuz I get shy and then....yea