
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by *Adelynn (01), Jun 3, 2011.

  1. I am worried about the rights that are going on right now
  2. Sits by giantman may I please have a cookie
  3. U know there are rights going on in London and they are spreading . Domino effect
  4. What is that all about?
  5. It ashame whats happening there
  6. So .. Who Wants a Cookie?
  7. I am not sure . It was like a guy tried to shoot a police officer but he missed .. But it wasn't the same with the officer . So the guy was killed. And I am not sure his family started a right ? Idk
  8. Oh I was so confused
  9. ɬℌᵃƬℋعℛօ was here
  10. That's also nice
  11. camel toe!!!