
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by *Adelynn (01), Jun 3, 2011.

  1. You should name your son Charlie 
    And real life is good, I took a much needed trip for a couple days it was fun.
  2. I like the name charlie
  3. I really need baby name ideas.. I could have this baby any moment now.. I'm at 30 weeks
  4. Charlie! 
  5. Call him hill... Or hilarious In Greek... Go check what hilarious In Greek is if u wanna know...
  6. I'm so sad now, people diss my

    I haven't had a mother since I was 12. Nor did I ever met my father 
  7.  I'm sorry *hug*
  8. Hug..
    My dad ran out on us when I was a baby
  9. And the worst part is my mother was very very sick
  10. I never said nothin
  11. Good night everyone Σ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ
  12. I feel unfit for a mother 
  13. You will do fine!
  14. Goodnight punk
  15.  I'm so upset now.

  16. SOPHIEEEEEE? Where es chu?