
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by *Adelynn (01), Jun 3, 2011.

  1.  fine then maybe I will
  2. Fluff you 
  3. Fluff you 
  4. Drove to my parents, and now there is a huge storm in this area so my internet connection is spotty.

    Was in a great mood, now I'm in a horrid one. And this storm is not helping things.
  5. Omg there's a storm coming my way 
  6. He lost the game
  7. Yeah, this storm isn't fun. If you're near the mid west, of the states, it's probably the same cell.
  8. Where do u live
  9. Wisconsin is amazing (I live there)
  10. Ugh, Wisconsin sucks. Only redeeming factors are I live next to one major college city, and an hour away from another. Then there's up North.

    I can't wait to move away though.
  11. I live up north more where there's not many ppl
  12. And Walker is making this state worse.