
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by *Adelynn (01), Jun 3, 2011.

  1. Sophieeeeeeeee
    Hahahahahahahahaahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahshaha u have aids
  2. Sophie, we're just messing with you......


    Jk we are
  3. I'm handi capable. Haha
  4. Ummm....why would you laugh at aids my moms best friend died from aids.
  5. Who was laughing at aids?
  6. It's kind of a stupid insult when you think about it
  7. I was on a mission trip earlier in the year to south africa and this little child had aids, I felt so bad I spent all my time with her. No one would talk to her and she was so happy to be with me.
  8. I'm sorry I wasn't thinking. And I don't usually make fun of people, but what I hate the most is when people make fun of emos. That pisses me off
  9. Crabs- public lice
  10. Ewwwww *shudder*

    Zurmonium: I thought you said you were only going to lurk from now on
  11. I couldn't help it. I'm not making anymore threads at the speed of spam
  12. Great I just have to listen to you on threads now *sigh*
  13. I feel like an asshole now!
  14. That guy who made the tread about Sophie is a horrible noob , troll and lier
  15. .... Cause I laughed at aids