
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by *Adelynn (01), Jun 3, 2011.

  1.  dev it's extremely weird. And awkward.

    Rj!!! *licks* I seem to get that a lot lately. 
  2. Yeah but...I don't want to think about my grandma and boobs in the same sentence. 
  3. ... ... ... ... ...







    *hand touch the lick part*

    *stares at hand*

  4. 
  5. oh look a crumple-horned snorkack!
  6.  what? Where? *looks*
  7. *puts whip cream in az's hair and runs*
  8. Sophie's sentence was grammatically correct
  9. WTF I did not type that stupid copy and paste >.>
  10. Thats what they call me
  11.  my hair