
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by *Adelynn (01), Jun 3, 2011.

  1. fine but only because you typed 

    although I'll probably get hurt like always...
  2. Yay!!!!! I promise I won't hurt you!!! 
  3. And no, I was so bad I snapped one of her heels and bruised her toes.
  4. Finally, I think I might not get hur this time...
    although I always do... ///emorant
  5. Finally, I think I might not get hurt this time...
    although I always do... ///emorant
  6.  dang kid. I promise. I shall not hurt you. I won't step on your toes or anything. 
  7. Okay..

    I haven't danced since like 2009...
  8.  okay Brxxxxxxxx

    Raine!!! *glomps back*
  9. Hello. 
  10. I'm a very strange and random person...sorry :(
  11. Hey raine... Y no hi for me?
  12.  who danced?

    It's okay raine. I am too sometimes

    My grandma just pointed out to me that she just drew "real boobs* and my sister drew "my grandpas wrinkly butt* 
  13. One on paper (a school paper that she will probably keep) and my sis on a dry erase board. 