
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by *Adelynn (01), Jun 3, 2011.

  1. Sick, then started taking chantix to quit smoking, which made me sick to my stomach on a daily basis, then vacation. I've been gone on and off for a month now, I think.
  2. Yeah
    I think I saw you a week or so ago like once then you were gone again.
  3. I've been wondering about something. I want to ask why didn't you ignore zur?
  4. Yeah, I just got back from vacation yesterday. To find a wonderful mouse in our kitchen, that we've been trying to kill since 3 am this morning.
  5. Why is this getting locked
  6. Haha, Jack, you don't even know the half of it. Today was the first time I have ever jumped up and down, screaming like a little girl.
  7. Lol

    That's sounds like a fun day.

    I had my last final today!
  8. Yep.
    My last day is tomorrow
  9. my last day is thrusday
  10. I remember last days. They were so fun. Get the whole summer ahead of you...
  11. I don't know why it's getting locked. I got no warning. There's supposed to be a warning and then deletion but who knows.
  12. Hm I didn't know we weren't allowed to do that. I guess I was being too mean. I deserve to get this locked then. I just don't like how she acts. I was being nice too when she was joining in and then she starts a convo about thongs and other stuff and idk....
  13. I think it was the ad
  14. Oh maybe....I can't stop everyone. You can't delete comments. And you can't control people who break rules when you have no power to.