
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by *Adelynn (01), Jun 3, 2011.

  1. I, literally, am physically cringing right now. Thank you all.
  2. You're welcome

    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
  3. WAIT!!!
    is this there're always on topic or off topictopic
  4. Just remember they're just tables
  5. Cute kittens.

    Yes. They are tables. Tables that are just made to bang your head on.
  6. It's on topic bc it's off topic?
  7. Wrong! No one was harmed during these flips
  8. I heard that phones are ideal for head banging ?.

  9. they definitely are!
  10. Pretty sure the tables would disagree.

    Let's be honest here. The color scheme of that little scene is more painful than his head banging.
  11. That is the directors concern not ours
  12. Both are painfulbut the phone is portable unlike the table, so you can bang your head on the phone at anytime.
  13. yes yes I see that
  14. I'm pretty sure no one has taken that corded phone anywhere since the new century rolled in.
  15. I have one in my car
  16. Sure. To give to Goodwill the next time you remember to roll by there.
  17. I can't give it away!