
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by *Adelynn (01), Jun 3, 2011.

  1. If you're 555

    Then I'm 666
  2. Then you say "Hey, baby girl, whatcha doin tonight? I wanna see what cha got in store!"

    And bust a move.
  3. I asked for quotes in campus and 3 people followed me, and I got two retarded quotes -.-
  4. What are the quotes?[​IMG]
  5. Apparently 'yolo' is a quote -.- and 'if you can't handle me at my worst, you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best' shit -.-'
  6. 
  7. [​IMG]one of the quotes I like was play less video games throw snakes at things
  8. Throw more snakes at things
  9. What kind of snakes? e.ê
  10. Snakes on a plane
  11. [​IMG] idk you pick. It's a metaphor
  12. Anacondas would be pretty good ._.
  13. They eat people!