
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by *Adelynn (01), Jun 3, 2011.

  1.  do you not have one?
  2. Nope :/

    I DO, however, have 1000 of each pot for atk and def but that's not enough :/
  3. Who is the persona? o_O
  4. It's like jjd something
  5. Hey, Dev! Guess what!
  6. [​IMG]you saw the dead bird
  7. YES. It was soooooooo icky and dead.
  8. [​IMG]did you eat it?
  9. No. I fed it to someone else.
  10. Well that sucks. You gave away some meat! [​IMG]
  11. It looked grodee!!!
  12. TWINKLES!!!

    Why would I want to eat that? You should've been there. Then I could've poisoned you with it's grodeeness
  13. Could of gave it to me
  14. It was that nasty.

    You weren't paying attention!