
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by *Adelynn (01), Jun 3, 2011.

  1. Well it's better than getting to attached to your blind I guess. 
  2. Yes, yes it is 
  3. Is Az the only one dancing? .-.
  4. Probably.

    Unless I can con you and someone else into dancing!!!
  5. 

    That's okay because it's Sleepybye time for me! Nitey nite!!! Sleep tight and sweet dreams when you go!

    I'll force you to dance tomorrow anyways. 
  6. Nuuuu . You can't make me dance. 

    Lol. Good night don't let the bedbugs bite. 

  7. I'm going to talk to myself.

    And I promised Srofhja.
  8. Buttface is blocked on cc

    Although I guess it'd be butt face if you went with autocorrect.
  9. Don't quite see why. I didn't know pimd knew the word.
  10. It's a fun word though.
  11. Smoking, drinking, and eating spoons.
  12. Whilst wearing goggles
  13. [​IMG] I also have a laptop
  14. Now all you need is a devious smile to match those ever-changing shirts