
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by *Adelynn (01), Jun 3, 2011.

  1. dammit I started to write a thing for the forums and it's taken me 30 min to fast type it all and I accidentally Copied another things :|

    Now I have

    7,500,000,000 as my paste and not the item :|
  2. I was using pins :|
  3. Pimd*
    And I was going to post, and I wasn't even half way though
  4. Wow 

    Anyways. I'm off to sleep. Later 
  5. Where's the b'day party? 

  6. Oh hell. I almost forgot.

    New thread, same thread, happy day?
  7. Then I need a bit 
  8. We need more people! Party people! PARTY PEOPLE PARTY!
  9. Maybe they are sleeping. 
  10. Party party party party dance dance dance dance kick kick kick kick pelvic pelvic pelvic pelvic thrust thrust thrust thrust shakey shakey shakey shakey jiggy jiggy jiggy jiggy movey movey movey movey
  11. This party shall be slightly awkward!!
  12. Awkward how? 

    'cause only two people? 
  13. That. And I make awkward things.