
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by *Adelynn (01), Jun 3, 2011.

  1. Azarah is stupid
  2. How do people not understand how to do that?.-.
  3. Brackets are too much work.
  4. [disappear] Ikr? They are stupid! [/disappear]

    Jk 
  5. I do it automatically now... It's like an instinct
  6. Azarah wants to know what this says.
  7. I thought you guys were trying to let this reach to 5100 but you guys let it get buried before that happened [​IMG]
  8. Well... It's going to get there soon
  9. 10 more pages!! 
  10. Popsicle!

  11. SHADDUP!!!

    Hey Hill! 