Well, some people obviously do! If they didn't, no one would complain about them dying off, now, would they?
It's worse then putting frogs in a fire! A penguin would be in udder pain When I was a kid 8 ish I was a little piro I would make a fire in the middle of my farm yard, and every year there would be frogs so I would play with them, I put one in a fire and you could hear it squeal for a millisecond then done
Well at least they weren't penguins. ._. Nobody likes frogs anyway. Like get your slimy poisonous *** out of here.
It get to -40 here in Canada so they only grow to the size of your thumb And winters last 5-7 months Short life span And we have a creek with about 500 of em If they get in hot water there legs go stiff As it's a mess when they blow up