
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by *Adelynn (01), Jun 3, 2011.

  1. Who burns penguins? 
  2. That little son of a... ._.
  3. Well, some people obviously do! If they didn't, no one would complain about them dying off, now, would they?
  4. It's worse then putting frogs in a fire!

    A penguin would be in udder pain

    When I was a kid 8 ish I was a little piro

    I would make a fire in the middle of my farm yard, and every year there would be frogs so I would play with them, I put one in a fire and you could hear it squeal for a millisecond then done
  5. Well at least they weren't penguins. ._. Nobody likes frogs anyway. Like get your slimy poisonous *** out of here. 
  6. Omj. OMJ. Omj omj omj omj OMJ OMJ OMJ OMJOMJOMJ  That poor froggy!!!
  7. You sad bro? Oh wait that's not how it works. Fine then. 
  8. Froggy always dies
  9. Only in Frogger!
  10. It get to -40 here in Canada so they only grow to the size of your thumb
    And winters last 5-7 months
    Short life span

    And we have a creek with about 500 of em

    If they get in hot water there legs go stiff

    As it's a mess when they blow up 
  11.  COOL!!!!!!!!
  12. Az should get really close to it before it blows up
  13. Yeah Az just go right up to it and examine its eye, real close like.
  14. Open volley on ManWitDaPlan, three hundred mil I keep. 
  15. -.-

    Take it to four hundred? I still keep.