
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by *Adelynn (01), Jun 3, 2011.

  1. [​IMG] in news today azarah can't recognize countries's flags!
  2. She has faster fingers...
  3. I win!!!! Fast fingers!!! 
  4. [​IMG] I still blame her for all the wrong in this world!
  5. With yellow and no red!
  6. Azarah, go to my wall, find troylund1
    Tell him this,

    You lied to Leo for this it's 300 Hits
    You didn't DisBan club 100 Hits
    Everyday the club stays open it's 50 hits
  7. Boy child!!!!

    Ahem. Magic word?
  8. 1) Sweden
    2) China
    3) United States of America 

    I think
  9. Close. But not quite.

    Anyone else notice it's got Lun in it? His name, I mean
  10. You forgot the kids [​IMG]