
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by *Adelynn (01), Jun 3, 2011.

  1. KANNY!!!! 
  2. So, I'm a Figure, I'm Hated By many old friends
    Farmed By old friends

    This is why I wanted to quit Months ago 
  3. [​IMG]really? That
  4. But Noooooooooooooo. No quitting.
  5. [​IMG] hes allowed to quit when he wants to. Its up to him.
  6. And you are a man.
  7. [​IMG] what does that have to with anything?
  8. Kan Kan! 

    Sarcasm. 

  9. It looks like they are dancing on the head. 
  10. I know how to post on locked threads o_O
  11. 