
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by *Adelynn (01), Jun 3, 2011.

  1. ...

    A mod will lock soon

    For a pervert posting something
  2.  EXXY

    Perv where? Dev? We knew. 

    Leo 
  3. Nope. It's the beard.
  4. Wow.... PiMD hates me. I went from being able to zoom on forums to not even being able to scroll sideways. Forum freedom discontinued. Crap.
  5. 

    That should do it. But I don't think his pic is scrolly.
  6. It looks like it should go to the right some more. Oh well. I'm really gonna miss zooming though. 
  7. The pic was cut off... You should've gone to the side...[​IMG]
  8. That. Is soooooooooo fucking shitty.

    Its broken. ):
  9. I also can't look at other profiles with completely restarting PiMD. If I don't restart there will be an obnoxious gray bar stuck on the top of my screen. Very annoying.
  10. Was that Bc of the last update or something? [​IMG]
  11. That happened to me for hours yesterday too EXXY.

    Maybe Dev. Maybe.
  12. No. I just now updated and it's done this since before my last awaycation.
  13. Az, this has been happening to me for months. You're lucky it fixed itself.