
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by *Adelynn (01), Jun 3, 2011.

  1. Az got a letter from Princeton?? 

    Holy mother of god... you must be really smart. 

    @buddy: 
  2. 

  3. Where is he? I promised him a spankin. 
  4. Coming...slowly but surely.
  5. Not by storm, but by a series of small rainshowers 
  6. 

    There he is!  are you ready, Dev?
  7. No.... Can bun take my place?
  8. What?

    It's not his turn! Gawsh. I swear, it's almost like you don't even want your turn. Don't be such a goosen. :roll:
  9. ITS YOUR TURN, DEV. Be a man and suck it up, cupcake.
  10. And yeah. It's Leo. Hi.
  11. You have cupcakes?
  12. No. You're a cupcake.
  13. Wait. Then...Yes. 