
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by *Adelynn (01), Jun 3, 2011.

  1. Bruins!!!!!

    Totally. But all fair in live and war, too.
  2. You're back!
    Yeah that's why I won't.... Still tempting
  3. Sorry I'm newb. Who is bruins 
  4. ...well bruins is me?
  5. Colleen/ bruins is there
  6. Shes Colleen. An older player. In the time of Damien and Ryan and Sophie and blackbird. Wayyyyy back when.

    Girly, where have you been and how's life??

    That's not a reason!
  7. So she is a PEDO like you Azarah? 
  8. The real world getting paler by the minute. I've been decent. Too much school and actually getting enough sleep. And missing people on here. So voila. How have you been???
  9. Do not start with me, kiddo. Not right now. I will rip you a new one.
  10. Azarah is a pedo

    But Azarah

    Im a older member then them 
  11. 

    Sounds like torture. Eh...still here, still on all the freakin time, still consumed by school, missin yall, and still no permit. The usual. ._.
  12. Yes. Fuck you Leo. Up the ass.

    Bruins isn't ancient and grey like y'all.
  13. A lot of new forumers...
  14. I know...I don't think they're ever coming back although I'll be by Charlie in a week...
  15. Why so mean Azarah. I'm just stating a fact. 
  16. By Charlie and his sexy truck?  huh.

    Because you lied.
  17. Yea I know...I'm going for the super stalker effect and thinking about finding him. And you forgot wrinkly. Leos definitely wrinky