I should go back to school and lose my pen... I saw a picture that said this Lost your pen = no pen No pen = no notes No notes = no study No study = fail Fail = no diploma No diploma = no work No work = no money No money = no food No food = skinny Skinny = ugly Ugly = no love No love = no marriage No marriage = no children No children = alone Alone = depression Depression = sickness Sickness = death... I gotta lose my pen some day :/
I'm a bit (ALOT) drunk And I'm at some weird shop called F.C.U.K I think it's a clothing shop I can't remember French.Connection.U.K or something like that I think I heard its a good store And I just got kicked for being drunk and disorderly Might go to a shooting range and fire some guns while drunk.... See how many bullets will hit the target...