
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by *Adelynn (01), Jun 3, 2011.

  1. Rant to me if you want. I would absorb it if it means that your anger will dissolve into nothing.
  2. I'm not forcing anything
  3. .-. Suuuuure

    Cyber, I just volunteered myself and you and Dev for that. I thought you noticed.
  4. and everybody else.
  5. Whatever you say. I shan't dispute!
  6. Whatdid I say?
  7. You're not forcing anything. You just wait. Cyber and I are onto you. Watchin you like a griffin.
  8. I should go back to school and lose my pen... I saw a picture that said this 

    Lost your pen = no pen
    No pen = no notes
    No notes = no study
    No study = fail
    Fail = no diploma
    No diploma = no work
    No work = no money
    No money = no food
    No food = skinny
    Skinny = ugly
    Ugly = no love
    No love = no marriage
    No marriage = no children
    No children = alone
    Alone = depression
    Depression = sickness
    Sickness = death...

    I gotta lose my pen some day :/
  9. No. Been there, seen that, lost a pen. The picture lies.

  10. Crap wrong one

    Dammit not it either.


    This will work.
  11. Good answer!
  12. She's out of it
  13. Am not! It's not my fault he wants to be a koala!
  14. ANYWAYS.

  15.  I'm a bit (ALOT) drunk 

    And I'm at some weird shop called F.C.U.K  I think it's a clothing shop I can't remember 

    French.Connection.U.K or something like that I think 

    I heard its a good store 

    And I just got kicked for being drunk and disorderly 

    Might go to a shooting range and fire some guns while drunk.... See how many bullets will hit the target...
  16. Oh and btw I was looking for a Emoji that would fit and i had none so I decided on eyes.
  17. Have fun. If you shoot a rabbit accidentally, can I have one of it's feet.