
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by *Adelynn (01), Jun 3, 2011.

  1. Because Sophie! Your awesome! And you know common sense and you usually have good advice. Duh
  2. I say let him do what he wants. Men should be in control a relationship. 
  3. Ouch. That means my advice sucked. 
  4. ...that is pretty sexist.
    I think men should be in charge in some ways but in the overall relationship it should be 50/50.
  5. I agree Sophie. Chauvinism is bad...
  6. Women should control some things. Like the stove dishwasher and laundry machines. 
  7. I like chauvinism

  8.  Why?!
  9. PoolBoy that was SO sexist!! 
  10. Too bad men are doing that now. More women graduate from college than men do I think. Either way women are moving up while men are slowly regressing.
  11. Cuz

    Sometimes it's nice when a guy stuff for you that doesn't mean I'm not independent
  12. I think men should be men. They should be in charge and they should take care of the women in their lives but women have every right to be independent. women are just as capable of doing things as men are.
  13. There are 3 men to 1 women in managerial positions in the us
  14. sophie i wanted ur opinion because u say it how it is
  15. Thats because the US is stuck in a rut in some senses
  16. Department of Education statistics show that men, whatever their race or socioeconomic group, are less likely than women to get bachelor's degrees — and among those who do, fewer complete their degrees in four or five years. Men also get worse grades than women.

    And in two national studies, college men reported that they studied less and socialized more than their female classmates.
  17. Ouch foxy. 
  18. Hehe.....


    Tengo un problema
  19. well its i liked ur opinion but sophie doesnt like me so she says it how it is