
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by *Adelynn (01), Jun 3, 2011.

  1. 
  2. You know those days. Yes those days. Those when you're so FUCKING HAPPY YOU CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!! you know those days?

    Today is one of those days! Just found out: I made a 35 on my English and 32 on the reading section of the ACT. I'm hella happy. Fuck to the yes. Hell to the yes.
  3. 

  4. Hmmmm...

  5. You just wanted to bump this didn't you?
  6. was less of a bump. More of a  with more Ummmmmm... And less 
  7. So I'll take it a a yes
  8. Nooooooo you'll take it as a 
  9. Noooooooo it's a 
  10. We get it it's a yes