
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by *Adelynn (01), Jun 3, 2011.

  1. Besides yourself () she was referring to this thread.
  2.  precisely 
  3. Glad you got the point across, creamy. Good job.
  4.  that's what I'm here for 
  5. This isn't old .. I've been here linger then this
  6. Oh Leo is just old? 

  7. I been here longer than this thread too. 
  8. Been here longer than Cookie.

  9. Yes, I'm 74 
  10. Oh...well, we already established that you were old. You didn't have to prove it. 
  11. -___- hello to you too Juan.
  12. Who's Juan?


  13. -___- hmmm I wonder... it's you Maton
  14. -.- Really can't keep anything private can you Cookie?

  15. 348...

    17 MORE DAYS! 
  16. Leosky you lie.

    Okay... So this so called "Juan" cat is like the great grandfather and cookie the the grandfather and then Leo the son? Gawsh. Yalls family tree is sucky. So small.
  17. 17 days till what?
  18.  I have a massive pimd family ( Thanks to Ordo Ab Chao)