
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by *Adelynn (01), Jun 3, 2011.

  1. Nooooooo he's sweet
  2. You forgot cute
  3. Noooooo he's just sweet. Idk about cute
  4. It's four am and my lover won't anssssswerrrrrrrr!!! He's probably out with some danceeeeer! Drinking champagne while I'm in his beeeeeed. It's four am and somethin somethingggggggggg. I'm here and I feel stuuuuupiddddddd. He musta bumped his heeeeadddddd
  5. You said cute though unless you want to go with sexy
  6. Noooooooooo I pick the third option. Sweet. Sweeeeeeeeeeettttt
  7. Lol Leo whatever you say 
  8. You said sweet and cute you can't say sweet and sweet
  9. It's sweet and sweet. Sweet and sweet.

    Lol Leo just being polite again? 
  10. You called him sexy and sweet
  11. Noooooooooooooooooooo

    I meant c. There was no c. Ccccccc
  12. C was sexy and sweet
  13.  okay Leo. Thaaaaaaaannnnks I guess.

    Nooooooo I demand a revote!!!
  14. B2!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Bingo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16.  I picked b2....