
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by *Adelynn (01), Jun 3, 2011.

  1. Yes, yes I am. 
  2. I'm too lazy to ever leave the app... I only leave when someone texts or calls... Or to play another game...
  3. Haha, no. I just really don't care to see if people are on or off.
  4. I don't have many other games XD
  5. Or to listen to music
  6. I get bored and download apps for no reason...
  7. I only play KaW, and another app, and this.
  8. I have apps in every category that I don't even use o.o
  9. I have this, KaW and 15 or so randoms.
  10. Does anyone know when battlefield comes out?
  11. Battlefield 3? I think November 11. U know it's the same day as MW3 (which will be badass)
  12. Awesome can't wait!
  13. Battlefield AND Mw3?

    I plan on playing MW,MW2,and MW3 in one night. It won't be hard, it'll just take 9-12 hours.
  14. I think I'll buy both.

    I may disappear
  15. I've already bought MW3 without a valid 18 plus ID. now I have to figure out how to pick it up....
  16. Why may you disappear?
  17. Lol. I love throwing legal crap at Gamestop nerds to make them sell me rated M games. 