
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by *Adelynn (01), Jun 3, 2011.

  1. Noooooooo  y'all are ruining my lurking thing
  2. Yeah I thought that too... Did you disown her giant?
  3. I own az too. ..
  4. Lurkers never prosper
  5.  I guess not. But gee doesn't own me
  6. I can lurk but you can't az
  7.  I can't?
  8. Wow I lurked 4 2 pagea
  9. I've been banned from almost all of Spyder's threads...
  10. I'll call you out next time
  11.  why can't I lurk? 

    Lol Brxxxxx and Leo
  12. Teach me how jerk!
  13. Lol gee

    But whyyyy???