
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by *Adelynn (01), Jun 3, 2011.

  1. WOOT!!!!! Yupperz. 
  2.  it's a secret though. Dont tell
  3. What does 3rd and 6 mean?
  4.  football
  5. 3rd down, 6 yards to go for a 1st down.
  6. Football is of no interest to me 
  7. they go from third to first? 

    Lol dawn I like the tackling part. 
  8. You get 4 downs until you either lose the ball or punt (kick) it.

    Every 10 yards you go back to 1st down and restart and try and get 10 more yards for another 1st down.
  9. Playing a real game is boring. Playing with no pads and breaking other people is the fun kind of football. 
  10. Ohhhhhhhhhhh okay then. That makes much more sense.

    Cash said that he is the qb for Oklahoma right? And that's the guy that gets the ball from the guy that throws it between his legs and catches it then either throws it or runs with it right? Just checkin. I think so
  11.  i prefer watching skateboarders cuss eachother out 

  12. Yes aza. That's what happens.
  13.  nice throw
  14. Ugh 


  15.  Zac is good with rapping 