
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by *Adelynn (01), Jun 3, 2011.

  1. Ah.. Man. It felt good. I relieved some tension of the week.
  2. 
  3. WTF is going on
    Did Giantman just masturbate?
  4. Gotta sit down now . Anyhow . Wassup?
  5. "It felt good"
    What was one supposed to assume, eh?
  6. It was just a massage. 
  7. "Massage"
    That's what they all say.
  8. Assume what u want.
  9. Lol okay gotta go again bye!!!
  10. Died there for a second
  11. Better with the lights off.
  12. Girl, you look better with the lights off
  13. Girl, Don't stand too close tothe fire, plastic melts
  14. ... Not funny
  15. It's hilarious to me, but be that way then 