
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by *Adelynn (01), Jun 3, 2011.

  1. That's ok.

    There was a whole thread based on what you were doing. Impersonating a player I think... Charlie stopped using it when he made stories..
  2.  I married a bisexual guy?

    Interesting 

  3. That's too bad Leo 
  4. Ahh you have me Serial

    And seriously? 
  5. Yep, come 'ere babe  lol
  6. 
  7. So you no longer want az?
  8. *hug Serial* aww yeah 

  9. You too Leo  I'm really a girl... Or am I... Or reverse or vice versa or versa vice
  10. That's right!, come here too az lol
  11. Say, "get down on ur knees and do why ur good at."
  12. Hugs only giant 
  13.  no way