
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by *Adelynn (01), Jun 3, 2011.

  1. This time az is the prey and serial is the predator?
  2. No it's more like were both debating lions saying yes and no many times
  3. Lmao okay then Leo

    Dev. No.

    And no. Nope and mope
  4. I dun care cooool, she's still mine >.>
  5. It is reversed az
  6. Az . No.. Stop bugging me, I don't wanna go out with you .
  7. She said things like this before you serial. So it's reversed?
  8. 
  9. Leo don't use other names that could get you silenced
  10. so reversed is desrever?
  11. Dam it grey screwn
  12. Leo wanna marry me 
  13. Forever me and you babe, Leo 